Friday, October 2, 2015

Sadie's Journal: A Letter from Cape Town

Dear Friends,
I just visited Cape Town!  Cape Town is a big city, but unlike most other big cities you don't have to rush, rush, rush.  There are a bunch of fun things to do.  The Atlantic Ocean and Indian Ocean meet not far from Cape Town. 
In Cape Town, there is an aquarium called 2 Oceans Aquarium with fish from both oceans.  You might see a lion fish from the Indian Ocean or a starfish from the Atlantic Ocean.  You might even see sharks and turtles and sea horses or touch anemone!

You might also visit Company Gardens and feed squirrels from your hand!  Now, that’s something you can’t do in America! 
Maybe you would even go up Table Mountain and hike and see cute rock dassies. 
I’m sure you’d go down and visit Boulders Beach.  You would see lots of penguins.  You might even spot cute penguin chicks or watch a penguin lay a egg. 
You’d probably go down to the Cape of Good Hope, too.  Watch out, though!  You might see baboons!  You’ll laugh and laugh if one climbs on somebody’s car, but be careful! 
It might be on your car next!  You might watch sea lions as you take a ship to Robben Island where Nelson Mandela was in prison for a long time.  South Africa once had problems similar to America.  Black people didn’t have as many rights as white people and were treated unfairly. 
Nelson Mandela was sort of like Martin Luther Ling because he tried to stop that.  The white people didn’t like that, so he went to prison.  (Fortunately, he got out and things have changed!)  You might even see Nelson Mandela’s prison cell. 
You might also go to a National Park, like West Coast.  You might see fields of gorgeous bright flowers or some zebras, wildebeests, tortoises, and antelope. 
Another thing you might do it go to the crafts market.  You might buy some fun crafts or even make your own mosaic!  You could choose your shape and glue on pretty tiles.  Then, you would group and polish, and voila! you have a beautiful mosaic!  You might go to Cape Town one day, and you might do all of these exciting things – just like me!!  You really might have a great time.
Sadie Kiel :)

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