Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Animal Adventures Photos

We saw a wildebeest at Naval Hill!

Giraffe - alt text
This is a giraffe from Naval Hill!

We found a rhino with its baby at Kragga Kamma Game Park!

This vervet monkey was on our fence at Addo Elephant National Park!

We also saw zebras at Addo! The one in the back on the your right is Ronnie.

We saw a lot of penguins at Boulders Beach. One even laid an egg!

This is a kudu from Addo!

We found this lion in Addo, too!

These elephants were also in Addo! We named the baby Matilda.

This cute rock dassie was on Table Mountain!

This is a vervet monkey that just came in our window at Addo! He stole a banana!

Here is the penguin that laid an egg at Boulders!

Here is a baboon from the Cape of Good Hope. It is on our car looking through my window!

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